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Helping your older dog accept a new puppy

We all get grumpier as we get older. It’s a fact of life. We get set in our ways, and find change harder to deal with. If we’re experiencing age related aches and pains, our tempers may become frayed more easily.  It’s no different for dogs. As they get older, they like their routines and security. And, just like humans, if they’re in discomfort they’re likely to be less patient and understanding. Getting a new puppy is exciting for us as owners but, for our older canines, it can be a shock to their system. Puppies like to play, they have little respect for their elders, and they want a lot of love and attention. For dogs used to their own space, and the undivided adoration of their humans, they may view an interloper with suspicion at best, and aggression at worst. While introducing your new family member to its older brother or sister can be challenging, some simple steps can make the process much smoother and happier for everyone. Respecting territory As far

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